How to Properly Care for Your Pearls

It doesn't get
14kt White Gold White Pearl Necklace
How to Clean Your Pearl Jewelry
Every time you wear your pearls, wipe your pearls with a soft cloth.
this may help prevent any buildup of oils or other substanceswhich you may come in contact with throughout your day.
Clean with
a dampened cloth onlyas required . If your pearls are visibly stained,you'll want to mixan amount of lukewarm water and mild dishwashing soap. Dip a soft cleaning cloth in it and wipe the pearls. Do not submerge a pearl necklace in water,because it will weaken the silk thread.
llow the pearls to dry all the way before storing. This helps keep the elasticity of the silk strand that holds them altogether.
Take them to Golden Anvil Jewelers once a year. While
you would like to wear your pearls oftento keep them hydrated, all that body oil doesn't do the silk thread any favors. Ask the jewelers at Golden Anvil Jewelersto check the integrity of your pearl bracelets and necklaces once a year. - Never clean pearls with a steam or ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. Both
of those methods are likelyto wreck the outer layer of the pearl.
Pearl Jewelry Maintenance
Pearls are commonly passed
Last on, first off. Pearls should be
the ultimate accessory for your outfit. Avoid applying any makeup, hairspray, lotion or perfume once you put your pearls on.
Store them flat. While it's perfectly acceptable
for many necklaces to be hung away inshouldn't be. Always store your pearl necklaces flatto keep them from stretching.
an area only for your pearls. Soft pearls aresusceptible to scratches, so store them separately in fabric-lined compartments.
Wear your pearls often. Pearls do best
during a moist environment, so wearing them frequently keeps them from drying out. Easiest. Advice. Ever.
Click the link below to browse our stunning collection of pearl jewelry